Building History Timeline


American Library Association, 1899

From the Library Journal:

Visit to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington Libraries

Various opinions have appeared in print as to the A.L.A. conference held at Chautauqua last July. For myself I found it the most stimulating of the 13 A.L.A. conferences which I have attended....

After the trip down the river to New York, and a half day spent according to individual preference, we began work Wednesday afternoon, April 26, by visiting the stores of Macmillan Co., D. Appleton, Longmans, Green, Dodd, Mead & Co., Charles Scribner’s, and G. P. Putnam, and by attending a sale at Bangs’ auction-rooms. In the evening the school was at home in the Hotel Albert to the 39 former students resident in New York and vicinity. A large number responded to the invitation.

Anti-Saloon League, 1901

From The Syracuse Journal:

The New York State Anti-Saloon league has declared in favor of local option in election districts on the question of licenses, against Sunday opening of salons, and for a continuation of the society’s work in prosecuting violations of the liquor tax law. These declarations are in accordance with the framing of the league’s policy…which will be pursed at the coming session of the Legislature. The executive committee had a meeting recently at the Hotel Albert in New York City.

New York Educational Council, 1902

From The School Journal:

The New York Educational Council will meet in law room No. 1, New York University, Washington square, Saturday, November 15, 1902, at 10:30 a.m. .... After the meeting the usual lunch at Hotel Albert.

New York Latin Club, 1902

An address before the New York Latin Club by Professor M.H. Morgan of Harvard University, delivered Nov 22 1902 at The Hotel Albert. Entitled: Miscelliones.

New York Classical Club, 1900, 1901

From Classical Weekly:

The first meeting was held on Saturday, November 24, 1900, at the Hotel Albert, at the corner of University Place and Eleventh Street. Professor Gonzalez Lodge was the speaker. According to The Latin Leaflet, No. 10 (dated December 1900), Professor Lodge addressed the Club informally on the attitude of the Latin Grammar maker toward the practical problems of the secondary Latin teacher. His main point was that a Latin Grammar is or should be made for the Latin teacher and not for the pupil, and that upon the teacher rested very largely the burden of interpretation. Professor Harkness, to whom Dr. Lodge had gracefully referred as “the Nestor of Latin grammarians”, on being requested to speak, replied in a very happy and winning style, skillfully emphasizing the need of keeping in full view the practical needs of the pupils. The writer of this notice (unsigned) had at the out- set described Professors Harkness and Lodge as “the two opposite poles of the Latin grammatical battery in this country”. Professor Lodge’s address was never published. The second meeting was held at the Hotel Albert, on Saturday, February 25, 1901. Professor E. G. Sihler, of New York University, spoke on Ideals and Experiences, or School, College, and University. According to The Latin Leaflet, No. 19 (March 4, 1901), His chief point was that Latin should be taught not only legendo but also and most emphatically scribendo et dicendo, in support of which view he quoted Quintilian’s famous passage containing this advice.

Chemistry Teachers' Club, 1902

From Science:

At a meeting of chemistry teachers held at the Hotel Albert, N. Y., March 20, the Chemistry Teachers’ Club was organized. A constitution was adopted, and the following officers were elected: A. C. Hale, President; R. H. Fuller, Vice-President; A. L. Arey, Treasurer; M. D. Sohon (Peter Cooper High School), Secretary.

New York Branch of the Norwich Pharmacal [sic] Company, 1917, Sales Convention

From The National Druggist:

Twenty-five salesmen, representing the New York Branch of the Norwich Pharmacal [sic] Company, assembled at the Hotel Albert, New York City, on September 8th, for their annual sales convention. These men cover Greater New York and the Atlantic States to the Gulf. The convention was presided over by Branch Manager Currens and addresses were made by..... Several of the sales staff also delivered addresses and participated in the general discussions. A feature of the convention was an exposition of the analytical and physiological work of the scientific staff, illustrated by apparatus and animals from the laboratories.

Greater New Tork Esperanto Society, 1919

From Amerika Esperantisto:

The New York barco, or Esperanto supper, is held on the THIRD FRIDAY of every month (6:30 P.M.), Hotel Albert, Cor. 11th St and University Place.

Otsego County farmers

From The Otsego Farmer:

County Agent Harlo P. Beals of the Otsego county Farm Bureau announces final plans for the study trip to market terminals and the movement of produce in New York City to be made by a hundred or more farmers from up state on March 6th, 7th and 8th. A large group of growers plans to go on special coaches the day before to attend the trip in New York City. Several county groups have indicated a lively interest in the matter and when the group finally assembles at the Hotel Albert it is certain to take a number of the big buses to carry them about on the heavy schedule which has been arranged through the local Farm Bureau. Word has just been received that in addition to watching the arrival and handling of milk and close contact with actual auction sales and produce movement on the piers in lower New York, a number of interesting side trips have been arranged such as a visit to an ocean steamer or the navy yard and special sight seeing trips at the close of the first day with a lecturer in each bus. Two evenings have been left open and special help will be given to anyone desiring assistance in selecting an evening of entertainment. This is to avoid heart failure on the part of those desiring to choose one show from a list of forty.

Respectable Organizations

A group of skeptical scientists, 1929

From the New York Times:

John Armstrong Chaloner, author of the famous “Who’s Looney Now,” phrase, has left ...for New York to demonstrate “a piece of magic.” He will attempt to demonstrate before a group of scientists, according to information given out here, how he turns his snow white hair to rich brown by gazing at the panel of a walnut wardrobe. While traveling, it was said, he will carry a small walnut slab to perform his sartorial activities. Mr. Chaloner does not attempt to explain his “piece of magic” but announces that he will give $1,000 to anyone who will offer the explanation. The demonstration he said will take place in the Albert Hotel.

Photo League, 1948

From the New York Times

Members of the Photo League have become amateur plumbers, electricians, carpenters, masons and painters overnight to bring to realization the dream of years – a photographic center. Recently they leased 2,600 feet of space in the basement of the Albert Hotel, on Tenth Street, but they were faced with the problem of building their quarters without funds to hire professional help. Those with any experience among the members offered to coach others, and now volunteers contribute evenings and week-ends, spending spare hours in laying the cinder-block walls, setting up doors, installing electrical appliances, painting and other chores.

Finishing School for Dogs, 1950

From the New York Times

Dogs are going to have to learn manners down in Greenwich Village, where a school has just been opened for the purpose of developing canine dignity. For nine weeks, one night a week, these dogs and the children who chaperone them will attend class in what was once the ballroom of the Albert Hotel, University Place and Eleventh Street. There, at a total cost of $3 – and this includes dog diplomas – dog, leash and boy will be welded into a civilized unit....

Puppet Shows, 1958

From the New York Times:

2:30 P.M.: Two puppet shows, “Puss ‘n’ Boots” and “Ghosts ‘n’ Goblins,” will be presented by Lea and Gia Wallace at the Albert Hotel....